Allie Decker

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How to Battle Scope Creep, Respectfully

Graphic designers, website developers, lawyers, and accountants … when hired, these freelancers all receive relatively clear deliverables. In my experience, it’s not always the same for writers.

Clients typically approach writers as they’re launching or scaling their business. Therefore, writers are often leaned on for help with figure out big-picture initiatives for their business.

Because copywriters sometimes handle many different segments of a business (i.e. email content, blog posts, web copy, social media posts, etc.), we’re often asked extra how’s or what’s about the strategy behind each.

So, you’ve written other email drip campaigns? How often do you think I should schedule these? Do you recommend a certain email program? Will you look into that for me…

Hey, those blogs you’re writing…? Do you mind throwing those on my seventeen social media channels? Here’s my Hootsuite login…

You get the gist. Scope creep is very real.

So, how does one protect his or her time, energy, and sanity growing their freelance business? Here’s what’s worked for me.

Set boundaries. 

I’m a textbook people-pleaser, and this personality trait hasn’t helped me one bit as a freelancer. When I started, I said “Yes” to every project and proposal simply to have work and clients. But, I ended up overworked, underpaid and super unhappy with myself and the quality of work I was producing.

So, create a contract. Have the hard conversation, get the words on paper, and snag that signature. If you’re not sure where to start with contracts or proposals (they both can discuss time and project-related boundaries), try Creative Class or this awesome article by Ryan Robinson. Don’t be afraid to reinforce or even add boundaries as you work through different projects.

Build a solid list of referrals. 

While you network with other freelancers and creatives, gather a list of people to whom you can refer clients you just can’t take on. Your clients can’t expect you to be a jack-of-all-trades, but you don’t have to turn them down with a simple “No” either. Try: Thank you for thinking of me, but I’m all booked up at the moment. I’d encourage you to reach out to these three freelancers as they may be able to help you!

The client will feel better transitioning to another freelancer if they’ve come from your little black book.

Have the hard conversations live. 

Hey, these folks are just trying to navigate the dizzying world of small business. It isn’t easy. Don’t hide behind email or text for hard conversations. If you have the bandwidth, let your client hear your voice and see your face when discussing boundaries and additional rates.

Note: Don’t forget to set boundaries around your meetings, too. One meeting can quickly turn into three or four a week if you set that expectation. I’d recommend setting up a “project kickoff” meeting during which you lay groundwork and set the project scope, and during that conversation, define how many face-to-face meetings the client can expect moving forward.

Consider expanding. 

If clients need it, there’s a market for it. If you’ve reached a plateau within your business or would like to diversify your services, think about expanding your contract to include what your client is requesting. Many freelance writers specialize in ad copy and strategy or writing and social media. The possibilities are endless. If you have the interest and expertise but not the time, consider hiring a ghostwriter or apprentice to handle your day-to-day tasks or even outsourcing some of your work to another freelance writer.

• • •

You specialize in your craft because you’re good at it. Odds are that business owners want an expert to take care of each segment of their business; they’re just turning to you because they trust you, and you should take that as a compliment. Don’t burn the client-freelancer bridge because they keep asking too much of you.

Be respectful and honest, and your clients will treat you the same.